Global startup com­mu­nity PRO­TO­COL part­ners with MIZU DAO to jointly sup­port the de­vel­op­ment of Web3 ecosys­tem in Asia

Release time:2022-11-14 15:55:00

PROTOCOL, a global startup com­mu­nity founded by Japan­ese soc­cer star Keisuke Honda an­nounces part­ner­ship with MIZU DAO, the com­mu­nity-cen­tric DAO (De­cen­tral­ized Au­tonomous Or­ga­ni­za­tion) to jointly sup­port the de­vel­op­ment of Web3 en­vi­ron­ment in Asia, in­vest­ing in Web3 pro­jects glob­ally.

Cur­rently, Web3 is at­tract­ing a great deal of at­ten­tion from en­tre­pre­neurs, in­vestors, and any­one in­volved with the In­ter­net around the globe, defin­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of the de­cen­tral­ized web us­ing blockchain tech­nol­ogy. Based on this global in­ter­est and the po­ten­tial in Web3, PRO­TO­COL has teamed up with MIZU DAO to speed up the de­vel­op­ment in Web3 space, pro­vid­ing builders with var­i­ous types of pro­fes­sional sup­port.

PRO­TO­COL is a so­cial plat­form for star­tups, VCs, an­gels, ac­cel­er­a­tors, big cor­po­rates and job-seek­ers, known as “An­gel­List of Asia” or “LinkedIn for star­tups”. Users can fol­low each other, send mes­sages and post lat­est news ar­ti­cles. As the largest so­cial me­dia for star­tups in Japan with the biggest num­ber of users, it has been sup­port­ing peo­ple across 58 coun­tries, es­pe­cially in Asia. It’s par­tic­u­larly fo­cus­ing on ac­cel­er­at­ing match­ing for Web3 pro­jects through pitch events, videos and ar­ti­cles. It’s ex­pected that these ef­forts are fur­ther strength­ened by the col­lab­o­ra­tion this time with MIZU DAO - a Web3-fo­cused ven­ture cap­i­tal, de­vel­op­ing the Web3 "D3D Meta" plat­form for the cre­ator econ­omy. By shar­ing the same vi­sion, they will boost the Web3 ecosys­tem in Asia.